Now showing items 1-20 of 2362

      "Crescendo" magazine: a tiny piece in the puzzle of European avant-garde culture [1]
      "God knows five daughters is enough for anyone": Gender issues in India and Japan [1]
      "Hiding behind Bologna": metonymy, metaphor and conceptual blurring in the Bologna process discourse [1]
      "Ja u klin, on u ploču" - sukobi zaposlenih u Narodnoj biblioteci u Beogradu između dva svetska rata [1]
      "Macedonism" in the shrine of geras [1]
      "Morella" by Poe and Poplavsky: confrontative analysis [1]
      "Poetic ensemble" Russian battles by Daniil Andreev in the aspect of intertextuality [1]
      "The Thing Itself" Ironic Hermeneutics of the Subject in King Lear [1]
      "Trompe l'oeil" beings and teratological concept of art [1]
      'Equinox' [1]
      'I generally don't give a toss about space, but I have a problem with time': Space, place and time in Erlend Loes novel Naive. Super [1]
      'Logos empsychos' - 'Reč u kojoj je duša' - Vergilijeva poetika kao odgovor na Platonovu kritiku pisma [1]
      'Logos empsychos'. 'Soul within the word': Virgil's poetics opposing Plato's condemnation of writing [1]
      'Makedonizmi' u Sremčevom Kir Gerasu [1]
      'Makedonizmite' vo Sremčeviot Kir Geras [1]
      'Previranja' u strukturi srpskoga književnog jezika - Marina Janjić, Ilijana Čutura: Prostor, vreme, društvo - susreti u jeziku, Pedagoški fakultet, Jagodina, 2012 [1]
      'The Death of Saint Narcissus' in The Waste Land of T. S. Eliot [1]
      'The godgame' as one of the features of intertextuality in Fowles's novel The Magus [1]
      'Uglavnom me zabole za prostor, ali sa vremenom imam problema' - prostor, mesto i vreme u romanu Erlenda Lua Naivan. Super. [1]
      'Смрт св. Нарциса' у Пустој земљи Т. С. Елиота [1]