Приказ основних података о документу

Censorship and libraries

dc.creatorVraneš, Aleksandra
dc.creatorMarković, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractOd biblioteka se očekuje dostupnost svim vrstama znanja i informacija, bez obzira na njihovu društvenu ili ličnu bibliotekarevu prihvatljivost ili osporavanje. U mnogim zakonskim formulacijama, naprednim proklamacijama uspešnim standardizacijama kriju se i brojna ograničavanja građanskih prava i sloboda, čemu katkad mogu doprinositi i biblioteke. U radu biblioteka se kriju zamke narušavanja intelektualne slobode u svim procesima. Od praćenja izdavačke produkcije i selekcije publikacija, preko izrade kataloga i plasiranja informacija preko bibliografija i referativnih biltena, promocije književno-umetničkih i naučnih sadržaja, oblikovanja čitalačke svesti i navika, uskraćivanja tražene i samo inicijativnog pružanja druge informacije ili publikacije, vođenja bibliotečke statistike.sr
dc.description.abstractLibraries are expected to render accessibility to all forms of knowledge and information, irrespective of their societal or the librarian's individual degree of acceptance or lack of it. In numerous legal formulations progressive proclamation's, successful standardization's, manifold limitations to civil rights and freedoms have been disguised, to what even libraries might, at times, contribute. Pitfalls and traps which work towards harming intellectual freedom in all processes are hidden in the functioning of the libraries, from monitoring the publishing production, and selection of publications, through the formation of a catalogue and placement of information by means of bibliographies and referrative bulletins, the promotion literary and artistic contents, formation of reading consciousness and habits, withholding the information that is being sought and volunteering the information or publications that had not been requested by the users keeping the library statistics, and the like.en
dc.publisherNarodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije
dc.subjectzaštita prava korisnikasr
dc.subjectcenzura u Srbijisr
dc.subjectcenzura i bibliotečke aktivnostisr
dc.subjectcenzura i bibliografijasr
dc.subjectprotection of user rightsen
dc.subjectcensorship in Serbiaen
dc.subjectcensorship and library activitiesen
dc.subjectcensorship and bibliographyen
dc.titleCenzura i bibliotekesr
dc.titleCensorship and librariesen
dc.rights.licensePublisher's own licence
dc.citation.other(1): 19-34



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