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The secret report of Alexander Karatheodori Pasha on the Congress of Berlin

dc.creatorMarinković, Mirjana
dc.description.abstractAleksandar Karateodori-paša je istaknuti turski diplomata i šef tročlane delegacije koja je na Berlinskom kongresu 1878. godine zastupala interese Osmanske imperije. Utiske o toku i učesnicima Berlinskog kongresa zapisao je u Tajnom izveštaju koji je u trećem tomu dela Mirat-ı Hakikat na turskom jeziku štampao turski istoričar Mahmud Dželaledin 1909. godine, a deset godina kasnije na francuskom jeziku pod naslovom Tajni izveštaj o Berlinskom kongresu upućen Visokoj Porti od strane Karateodori- paše, prvog turskog predstavnika francuski pisac Bertran Barej. U radu se razmatra turski prevod ovog memoarskog dela kao autorovog ličnog sagledavanja odluka, atmosfere koja je vladala tokom Berlinskog kongresa i odnosa među njegovim glavnim protagonistima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe work brings the analysis of the report of the chief Ottoman representative on the Congress of Berlin 1878. The report was written in French, but it was also published in Ottoman Turkish as a chapter of Mahmud Celaleddin's book Mirat-ı Hakikat that is used in this work. The secret report of Alexander Karatheodori Pasha as a whole has never been used in the Serbian historiography. It is only Grgur Jakšić who dealt with this source in French, but only with its part concerning Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Congress of Berlin. The author of this contribution tried to look at the report as an important source both for the Congress itself, but also as a source that lightens the main characteristics of the Ottoman diplomacy and its impact on the international affairs. The secret report is an interesting and authentic historical source that gives a live picture and atmosphere of the sessions of the Congress and its main participants.en
dc.publisherIstorijski institut, Beograd
dc.sourceIstorijski časopis
dc.subjectOsmansko carstvosr
dc.subjectMirat-ı Hakikatsr
dc.subjectMahmud Dželaledinsr
dc.subjectBerlinski kongressr
dc.subjectAleksandar Karateodori-pašasr
dc.subjectThe Congress of Berlinen
dc.subjectOttoman Empireen
dc.subjectMirat-ı Hakikaten
dc.subjectMahmud Celaleddinen
dc.subjectAlexander Karatheodori Pashaen
dc.titleTajni memoar Aleksandra Karateodori-paše sa Berlinskog kongresasr
dc.titleThe secret report of Alexander Karatheodori Pasha on the Congress of Berlinen
dc.citation.other(58): 249-260



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