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dc.creatorStokić Simončić, Gordana
dc.creatorVučković, Željko
dc.descriptionThe aim of this paper is not to offer an ultimate answer about the role and fate of reading in the digital age, but to open several questions about the meaning of reading in the modern world and to demonstrate that these phenomena are very much indicative not only for the world of books and libraries, but also for culture and society in general. For more than five centuries our intellectual and cultural discourse has been shaped by models of communication arising from the nature of printed media, so the transition to the network and electronic communication brings a hint of a radical reorganization within the model of behavior and understanding the world, in the apprehension of authority, relationship between authors and readers, and the way the ideas and models of behavior and thinking circulate. Between digital optimists and digital skeptics, the developed societies of today (United States of America, Sweden) devise, realize and promote numerous programs aimed at promotion of books and reading, as the basic preconditions for achieving the information literacy. The integral concept of the information literacy should integrate the values of traditional print literacy and the advantages of electronic books and libraries. Those who carry out these activities are mostly non-government sector and libraries, where the information revolution offers new opportunities and new challenges.
dc.description.abstractЦиљ овог рада није да понуди коначан одговор о улози и судбини читања у дигиталном добу, већ да отвори неколико питања о смислу читања у савременом свету и да покаже да је реч о феноменима који су итекако индикативни не само за свет књига и библиотека, већ и за културу и друштво у целини. Више од пет векова наш интелектуални и културни дискурс обликују модели комуникације који проистичу из природе штампаних медија, тако да прелазак на мрежно и електронско комуницирање доноси наговештај радикалног преустројства у моделу понашања и разумевања света, у поимању ауторитета, у односу аутора и читалаца, у начину на које циркулишу идеје и модели понашања и мишљења. Између дигиталних оптимиста и дигиталних скептика, развијена друштва данашњице (Сједињене Америчке Државе, Шведска) осмишљавају, реализују и промовишу бројне програме за промоцију књиге и читања, као темељне претпоставке за достизање информационе писмености. Носиоци тих активности најчешће су не-владин сектор и библиотеке.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is not to offer an ultimate answer about the role and fate of reading in the digital age, but to open several questions about the meaning of reading in the modern world and to demonstrate that these phenomena are very much indicative not only for the world of books and libraries, but also for culture and society in general. For more than five centuries our intellectual and cultural discourse has been shaped by models of communication arising from the nature of printed media, so the transition to the network and electronic communication brings a hint of a radical reorganization within the model of behavior and understanding the world, in the apprehension of authority, relationship between authors and readers, and the way the ideas and models of behavior and thinking circulate. Between digital optimists and digital skeptics, the developed societies of today (United States of America, Sweden) devise, realize and promote numerous programs aimed at promotion of books and reading, as the basic preconditions for achieving the information literacy. The integral concept of the information literacy should integrate the values of traditional print literacy and the advantages of electronic books and libraries. Those who carry out these activities are mostly non-government sector and libraries, where the information revolution offers new opportunities and new challenges.
dc.publisherГрадска библиотека, Панчево
dc.sourceЧиталиште - научни часопис за теорију и праксу библиотекарства
dc.subjectдигитално доба
dc.subjectинформациона писменост
dc.subjectкликовно мишљење
dc.subjectелектронска књига
dc.subjectштампана књига
dc.subjectпромоција књиге
dc.subjectпромоција читања
dc.subjectелектронска комуникација
dc.subjectthe digital age
dc.subjectinformation literacy
dc.subjectelectronic book
dc.subjectprinted book
dc.subjectbook promotion
dc.subjectthe promotion of reading
dc.subjectelectronic communication
dc.titleЧитање, кликтање и мишљење у дигиталном добуsr
dc.citation.other10(19): 7-12



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