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Гибридная идентичность в романах Грэма Свифта и Ханифа Курейши

dc.contributor.advisorPaunović, Zoran
dc.creatorGledić, Bojana
dc.description.abstractKao direktna posledica sociopolitičkih promena u Velikoj Britaniji u periodu nakon Drugog svetskog rata, u kojem se demografska slika britanske nacije nepovratno izmenila, pojam ,,Britanac” promenio je značenje. Jaz između starog i novog značenja ovog pojma produbio se u dvadeset i prvom veku koji su obeležile brojne migracije, te je istraživanje hibridnog identiteta veoma aktuelno. Izmenjena društvena struktura Velike Britanije reflektuje se i u književnosti, te je pravi izazov izučavati načine na koje se u savremenom britanskom romanu predstavlja ono što se danas podrazumeva pod britanskom nacijom kada se piše o njoj. Jedan od važnih aspekata ovog istraživanja jeste sagledavanje mogućih načina na koje možemo tumačiti takva dela, i u okviru ove disertacije biće ispitane granice postojećih diskurzivnih struktura, sledeći teoriju Mišela Fukoa koji smatra da nas svaka tvrdnja da smo došli do istine stavlja u neopravdanu poziciju moći...sr
dc.description.abstractAs a direct consequence of the socio-political changes in Great Britain in the period following the Second World War, during which the demographic map of the British nation underwent permanent modification, the term “Briton” changed its meaning. The chasm between the old and new meanings of this term deepened in the twenty-first century, which was marked by numerous migrations, so research in the field of hybrid identity is very topical. The modified social structure of Great Britan is also reflected in literature, so it has become quite a challenge to study the ways in which authors present what is assumed to be the British nation when they write about it in contemporary British novels. An important aspect of this research is to examine the possible ways in which we can interpret such works, and the margins of exisiting discursive structures will be put to the test in this dissertation, following Michel Foucault’s theory in which he holds that any claim to truth puts us in an unjustified position of power. In this sense, the dissertation examines the margins of what we call postmodern and postcolonial discourse, establishing at the same time possible combinations of relations and their mutual interweaving...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Филолошки факултет
dc.subjectTreći prostorsr
dc.subjectpostmoderna književnostsr
dc.subjectpostkolonijalna književnostsr
dc.subjectHanif Kurejšisr
dc.subjectGrejam Sviftsr
dc.subjectgranice diskursasr
dc.subjectThird Spaceen
dc.subjectpostmodern literatureen
dc.subjectpostcolonial literatureen
dc.subjectmargins of discourseen
dc.subjectHanif Kureishien
dc.subjectGraham Swiften
dc.titleHibridni identitet u romanima Grejama Svifta i Hanifa Kurejšijasr
dc.titleГибридная идентичность в романах Грэма Свифта и Ханифа Курейшиru
dc.titleHybrid identity in novels by Graham Swift and Hanif Kureishien



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