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Terminology management

dc.creatorFilipović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu predstavljeni su koncepti tzv. 'terminološkog tržišta', i 'terminoloških proizvoda i usluga', njihova uloga u kontekstu multilingvalne Evrope, kao i njihov potencijalan značaj za unapredjenje različitih oblasti profesionalnog, akademskog i sl. života u našoj zemlji. Sistematičan MT, kao integralni deo jezičkog planiranja u državama u kojima se govore jezici malih sredina (engl. small area languages), kao što je, na primer, srpski u kontekstu multilingvalne Evrope i sveta, može značajno da doprinese efikasnom kreiranju jezičke politike koja mora uključiti i standardizaciju i sistematizaciju naučne i stručne terminologije u srpskom jeziku.sr
dc.description.abstractTerminology management (TM) is a relatively new scientific field, which in most general terms can be defined as "any deliberate manipulation of terminological information”. TM includes a range of activities (of both theoretical and applied nature) aimed at term creation, systematic term recording and ad hoc retrieval of terminological information. TM is of crucial importance for anybody who is professionally involved in translation, transfer of knowledge and information, and/or writing of research papers, professional reports, etc. A systematic TM should also form an integral part of language planning in those countries in which small area languages are spoken, as it can significantly contribute to the creation of efficient language policies. In this paper, concepts of ‘TM’, ‘terminology market’ and ‘terminology products and services’ will be outlined, and their relevance within the context of multilingual Europe emphasized, as well as their potential application to different areas of professional, academic, etc., life in our country. The aim of this paper is to draw attention of professionals, scientists, educators, terminologists, language planners, etc., in our country to the fact that a well planned and coordinated TM which leads to the creation of modern, computer-assisted, knowledge-based multilingual terminological repositories, which, in turn, should replace traditional glossaries and specialized dictionaries, used for gathering, distribution and use of terminological units for centuries, can be of great help in the ever so needed standardization and systematization of specialized terminology in different fields of science and education, public life, etc.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu - Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad i Društvo za primenjenu lingvistiku, Novi Sad
dc.sourceПримењена лингвистика
dc.subjectterminološko tržištesr
dc.subjectterminološki proizvodi i uslugesr
dc.subjectstandardizacija terminologijesr
dc.subjectmenadžment terminologijesr
dc.subjectjezičko planiranje i jezička politika prema jezicima malih područjasr
dc.subjectterminology standardizationen
dc.subjectterminology products and servicesen
dc.subjectterminology marketen
dc.subjectterminology managementen
dc.subjectlanguage planning and language policies for small area languagesen
dc.titleUloga menadžmenta terminologije u kreiranju jezičke politike i u procesu jezičkog planiranja: Kako uhvatiti priključak sa svetom?sr
dc.titleTerminology managementen
dc.citation.other(3): 73-79



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